Libra is the seventh astrological sign and the only one to have a symbol that is neither animal nor human. The Scales represent balance and justice, harmony and equilibrium.

Like the previous sign, Virgo, Libra is associated with the harvest, for in ancient times grains and crops were weighed on scales after they were harvested. The Scales also have a more profound symbolism. They are the scales of judgment for the dead, where souls are weighed.

In Egyptian religion the scales of judgment were the sole province of the god Anubis, Conductor of Souls. Anubis, who had the head of a jackal, guided the dead through the underworld and made sure they were weighed fairly. He was the master of the balance (the scale). There is in existence a painting, called the Papyrus of Ani, dated around 1500 B.C., that shows a judgment scene. Anubis is crouching by a large scale weighing the heart of a dead person. In one bowl of the scale rests the heart; in the other bowl Truth sits, symbolized by a feather. In this depiction, the scale is equally balanced. In Egyptian religion, the dead heart (or soul) had to be in harmony with Truth before it could pass into the afterlife.

The Scales have also long been associated with the concept of justice and the law. We have all seen statues of the embodiment of Justice. She is a woman who is blindfolded and who holds the scale in her hands. The Scales are the symbol of impartiality, of rendering to each person his or her rightful due.

In Greek mythology Justice was represented by the goddess Themis, mother of Astraea (see Virgo). Themis and her daughter Astraea are the constellations of Libra and Virgo, who shine side by side in the firmament. The legend is that when the human race finally reaches its Golden Age, Themis (symbolizing justice) and her daughter (symbolizing innocence) will return to Earth.